00962-77-2236393 jordan-Amman Macca street office No.206 09:00 am – 10:00 pm

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Goat cheese making experience in Karak

Mrs. Hana, who is a skilled white goat cheese maker, will welcome the group into her front yard by introducing herself and offering an Arabic cup of coffee as a welcome drink. She will explain all about white goat cheese making process first before handing disposable gloves and Bookagri aprons to clients to start shaping their heated and crumbled milk into flat cubes by using clean white cloth. Mrs. Hana will also tell the clients about how farmers discovered that the rennet in baby goat stomach is the natural material that turns milk into cheese.
When baby goats were weak, farmers preferred to slaughter them to make use of their tender meat. As they did so, they found that their stomachs were mostly filled with edible cheese. This is how they concluded that rennet in their stomachs is the agent that turned milk into cheese. They started using it to preserve the abundance of goats’ milk by adding rennet to hot milk and turn it into cheese to eat it in Winter when there is no milk.

After making the cheese cubes and listening to the story of cheese, clients get to try the fresh cheese with a great cup of mint tea and bread